
بالصور.. بهذا الشكل أرادت طلب الغفران من البابا فرنسيس!!



عبثًا حاولت عارضة أزياء أرجنتينيّة أن ترى البابا فرنسيس أثناء زيارته للباراغواي بعد أن قام رجال ‏الأمن والشرطة بإبعادها بسبب ارتدائها ملابس تكشف عن صدرها.‏

ويُعرف عن العارضة فيكتوريا غيبوليتاكيس (29 عاماً) ميلها إلى جذب الأنظار إليها بأفعالها المثيرة ‏للجدل وسبق لها أن كانت بطلة فضيحتين هذا العام.


Pic shows: Victoria Xipolitakis. A busty model caused a furore after sitting in the first row without a bra during the Pope’s visit to Latin America.  Sexy Victoria Xipolitakis,29, from Argentina wore just a flimsy white tee-shirt under blue dungerees and her nipples could be clearly seen poking through. And when guards noticed what she was wearing they told her to leave the area.  The controversial pin-up is no stranger to attracting attention and has already been involved in two other scandals this year. Just six months ago she was accused of using Photo-shopping a picture to make her bum more curvy after being declared the queen of a local carnival. And just a few weeks ago she got two pilots sacked from Austral Airlines after taking selfies with them in the cockpit and persuading them to let her fly the plane. She told TV Show Intrusos: "I want to apologize from the bottom of my heart to everyone. That was insane. I didn’t realize it and my life also was put in danger. I’m not a bad person, I try to be good to people." For several weeks she has been trying to get a private meeting with the Pope because she said she wanted him to forgive all her sins. But she was greeted with boos when she went to Asuncion in neighbouring Paraguay and sat in the first row of the crowd to wait for Pope Francis. Irate guards even told her to leave the area as she was not wanted because of her involvement in recent scandals. And because her outfit was far too revealing making her silicon boobs very visible.  Some angry people yelled: "Out! That’s it! Come on!" It is believed she did not  manage to get a private meeting with Francis.  Others made barbed comments on Youtube. Luis Enrique Benoit said: "This is what happens when she dresses like a dog" Rocio Valdez claimed: "Poop prostitute. She doesn’t even have money to buy a bra. What a shame" Juan Ribell joked: "People said to her get out because they’re allergic to cats" (ends)

أمّا عن حادثة البابا فرنسيس، فذكرت صحيفة “الدايلي مايل” البريطانيّة أنّ الحراس أبعدوا فكتوريا عن ‏سيارة البابا بعد أن وجدوها ترتدي قميصاً شفافة من دون حمالة صدر. ‏

ومنذ أسابيع، تسعى فكتوريا إلى مقابلة بابا روما لأنها تريد منه الغفران على كلّ خطاياها، لكنها لم ‏تنجح في ذلك أيضًا.‏




Pic shows: Victoria Xipolitakis. A busty model caused a furore after sitting in the first row without a bra during the Pope’s visit to Latin America.  Sexy Victoria Xipolitakis,29, from Argentina wore just a flimsy white tee-shirt under blue dungerees and her nipples could be clearly seen poking through. And when guards noticed what she was wearing they told her to leave the area.  The controversial pin-up is no stranger to attracting attention and has already been involved in two other scandals this year. Just six months ago she was accused of using Photo-shopping a picture to make her bum more curvy after being declared the queen of a local carnival. And just a few weeks ago she got two pilots sacked from Austral Airlines after taking selfies with them in the cockpit and persuading them to let her fly the plane. She told TV Show Intrusos: "I want to apologize from the bottom of my heart to everyone. That was insane. I didn’t realize it and my life also was put in danger. I’m not a bad person, I try to be good to people." For several weeks she has been trying to get a private meeting with the Pope because she said she wanted him to forgive all her sins. But she was greeted with boos when she went to Asuncion in neighbouring Paraguay and sat in the first row of the crowd to wait for Pope Francis. Irate guards even told her to leave the area as she was not wanted because of her involvement in recent scandals. And because her outfit was far too revealing making her silicon boobs very visible.  Some angry people yelled: "Out! That’s it! Come on!" It is believed she did not  manage to get a private meeting with Francis.  Others made barbed comments on Youtube. Luis Enrique Benoit said: "This is what happens when she dresses like a dog" Rocio Valdez claimed: "Poop prostitute. She doesn’t even have money to buy a bra. What a shame" Juan Ribell joked: "People said to her get out because they’re allergic to cats" (ends)