
صور تجعلك تنظر إليها مرّتين!



يقال إنّ الكاميرا “لا تكذب”، لأنّها تأخذ بالتأكيد كامل المكان الذي يتمّ تصويره لتكشف بالضبط ما يجري، سواء أكانت الصورة محيّرة أم لا.

نظرة سريعة على بعض الصور قد تجعل المشاهد يرى أنّ هذه اللقطات تبدو طبيعية، ولكن توثيق التفتيش يكشف أنّ ليس كل شيء على ما يرام، ممّا يضطرّه الى النظر مرّة ثانية والتحديق جيدًا لمعرفة خفايا الصورة.


Bikini shot has gone viral after the internet spot THIS big secret


reddit optical illusion


Viral Thread optical illusions.


Viral Thread optical illusions.


Optical Illusions that have gone viral.








Viral Thread optical illusions.


Viral Thread optical illusions.




Star Food & Wine Shop.

Allan Wright's picture of the pointless lights pointing the wrong down a one-way street DRIVERS have been left baffled by a set of traffic lights that face the wrong way - in a one-way street. The lights can only be seen once motorists have passed them and glance in their rear view mirror. But locals claim the presence of the lights actually lead drivers to go the wrong up the street and then wait at the lights. The mix-up was caused in Castle Douglas, Dumfries and Galloway, when a one-way street was created but the old lights left in place and switched on. Amazingly, the lights in Jenny's Loaning have been causing confusion for the past two years without the "lazy" local council taking any action. Local photographer Allan Wright revealed the traffic light teaser on social media this week, posting a picture entitled: The curious conundrum of Jenny's Loaning, Castle Douglas.



Optical Illusions that have gone viral.


Optical Illusions that have gone viral.

Viral Thread optical illusions.


Optical illusion. A man's arm looks like a woman's backside