
بالصور… أوكرانيا تسلم هولندا لوحات ثمينة مسروقة


سلمت السلطات الأوكرانية هولندا خمس لوحات فنية ثمينة سرقت من متحف هولندي في عام 2005 وعثر عليها في أوكرانيا هذا العام.

واللوحات ضمن مجموعة من 24 لوحة قدرت قيمتها بعشرة ملايين يورو عند فقدها في 2005. وقيل في كانون الأول إنّه تم العثور عليها في منزل بمنطقة يسيطر عليها انفصاليون موالون لروسيا في شرق أوكرانيا.

ويعود تاريخ اللوحات إلى القرنين السابع عشر والثامن عشر وستعاد إلى متحف وستفريز بمدينة هورن شمالي العاصمة الهولندية أمستردام بعدما سرقها لصوص اختبأوا في المتحف قبل إغلاقه وعطلوا نظام الإنذار قبل أن يفروا بالأعمال الفنية الثمينة.

وقال أد جيردينك مدير متحف وستفريز خلال مراسم التسليم في السفارة الهولندية في كييف: “أتوق لرؤية هذه القطع الفنية الجميلة في مكانها الأصلي… سنشعر كما لو أنّ أبناءنا المفقودين قد عادوا إلينا أخيراً”.

وذكرت وزارة الخارجية الهولندية، في بيان، أنّه “لم يتضح بعد مكان باقي اللوحات وكم من الوقت سيستغرقه العثور عليها”.

Security guards are seen during a ceremony to mark the return of paintings that were stolen from the Netherlands' Westfries Museum in 2005 and discovered in Ukraine earlier in 2016, in Kiev, Ukraine, September 16, 2016.  REUTERS/Gleb Garanich

A security guard is seen during a ceremony to mark the return of paintings that were stolen from the Netherlands' Westfries Museum in 2005 and discovered in Ukraine earlier in 2016, in Kiev, Ukraine, September 16, 2016.  REUTERS/Gleb Garanich

A security guard is seen during a ceremony to mark the return of paintings that were stolen from the Netherlands' Westfries Museum in 2005 and discovered in Ukraine earlier in 2016, in Kiev, Ukraine, September 16, 2016.  REUTERS/Gleb Garanich

Dutch Ambassador to Ukraine Kees Klompenhouwer takes part in a ceremony to mark the return of paintings that were stolen from the Netherlands' Westfries Museum in 2005 and discovered in Ukraine earlier in 2016, in Kiev, Ukraine, September 16, 2016.  REUTERS/Gleb Garanich

Ad Geerdink, director of the Westfries Museum, takes part in a ceremony to mark the return of paintings that were stolen from the Netherlands' Westfries Museum in 2005 and discovered in Ukraine earlier in 2016, in Kiev, Ukraine, September 16, 2016.  REUTERS/Gleb Garanich

Ad Geerdink, director of the Westfries Museum, takes part in a ceremony to mark the return of paintings that were stolen from the Netherlands' Westfries Museum in 2005 and discovered in Ukraine earlier in 2016, in Kiev, Ukraine, September 16, 2016.  REUTERS/Gleb Garanich

Ad Geerdink, director of the Westfries Museum, takes part in a ceremony to mark the return of paintings that were stolen from the Netherlands' Westfries Museum in 2005 and discovered in Ukraine earlier in 2016, in Kiev, Ukraine, September 16, 2016.  REUTERS/Gleb Garanich

Ad Geerdink, director of the Westfries Museum, takes part in a ceremony to mark the return of paintings that were stolen from the Netherlands' Westfries Museum in 2005 and discovered in Ukraine earlier in 2016, in Kiev, Ukraine, September 16, 2016.  REUTERS/Gleb Garanich

Prosecutor-general of Ukraine Yuri Lutsenko (L) and Ad Geerdink, director of Westfries Museum, take part in a ceremony to mark the return of paintings that were stolen from the Netherlands' Westfries Museum in 2005 and discovered in Ukraine earlier in 2016, in Kiev, Ukraine, September 16, 2016.  REUTERS/Gleb Garanich