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إصابة اسرائيلي بجروح طفيفة جرّاء صواريخ “الحزب”

People gather around an ambulance damaged in a reported Israeli strike in front of Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City on November 3, 2023, as battles between Israel and the Palestinian Hamas movement continue. According to the head of the Hamas government's press service, the strike targeted "an ambulance convoy which was preparing to transport wounded people from Al-Shifa hospital" to the border with Egypt. Several people were killed and injured in the strike. (Photo by MOMEN AL-HALABI / AFP)

أعلن الإسعاف الإسرائيلي أن رجلا إسرائيليًا في الخمسينات من عمره أصيب بجروح طفيفة، جراء إصابته بشظية وسط قصف حزب الله الصاروخي على الجليل الأسفل.