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اتفاق أميركي – إسرائيلي حول “الحزب”

(FILES) In this file photo taken March 9, 2016, US Vice President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shake hands while giving joint statements at the prime minister's office in Jerusalem. - President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu laid any tensions to rest February 17 by finally holding their first phone call since the change of administration in Washington. Netanyahu was one of the last foreign leaders to get a call from Biden, who took office on January 20, despite Israel's special relationship with the United States. (Photo by DEBBIE HILL / POOL / AFP)

أعلن وزير الدفاع الإسرائيلي يوآف غالانت اليوم الثلثاء أن إسرائيل والولايات المتحدة متفقتان على أهمية تفكيك “البنية التحتية الهجومية” لحزب الله على طول الحدود.