
With Netanyahu, the perfect is the enemy of the good

Prussian King Frederick the Great offered this rebuke to those who refused to allow any concessions: “If you try to hold everything, you hold nothing.” President Barack Obama might make a similar retort to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s attack on the alleged “bad deal” the United States is contemplating with Iran. Netanyahu rejects any… اقرأ المزيد

The U.S.-Israel rift is deeper than personalities

The public rift between President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over the Iranian nuclear issue is often described as a personality dispute. But a senior Israeli official argued that the break has been building for more than two years and reflects a deep disagreement about how best to limit the threat of a… اقرأ المزيد

Shiite militias undermine the anti-ISIS campaign

One of the weaknesses of the U.S.-led coalition against ISIS is that America isn’t trusted as a messenger in much of the Arab world. So it is important that Jordan’s King Abdullah II seems ready to play an unusually visible role in organizing Arab opposition to the extremists. Abdullah is moving against the jihadis on… اقرأ المزيد

Kirkuk is just one question mark for the Kurds

From the roof of his office, Gov. Najmaldin Karim can see multiethnic Kirkuk laid out below. He points toward the Sunni suburb of Huwija about 24 kilometers west, which is controlled by ISIS. Two weeks ago, the extremists staged a ferocious assault there that almost broke through the defense lines. “ISIS has its eyes on… اقرأ المزيد

If nuclear talks with Iran fail, do nothing

Sitting next to Iran’s foreign minister Sunday as he said that another extension of the nuclear talks isn’t “in the interests of anybody,” it seemed clear that this particular can isn’t going to get kicked down the road much farther. The likelihood that the Iran negotiations are reaching a make-or-break point was reinforced by President… اقرأ المزيد

The United States has been very lucky of late

Niccolo Machiavelli, perhaps the shrewdest political philosopher in history, believed that great events were shaped by luck – or “fortuna” as he called this unpredictable force of life. The same actions might produce success or failure, depending on the whims of the goddess Fortuna.You wouldn’t know it by listening to gloomy commentators, but the United… اقرأ المزيد