
Sustained U.S. support will give the Sunnis hope

Watching events unfold in Iraq this year has been like viewing a slow-motion train wreck. Iraqi tribal leaders have been warning since spring about the rise of the terrorist ISIS and pleading for American help. But after months of slaughter, the United States is only now beginning to build an effective tribal-assistance program. The Albu… اقرأ المزيد

The CIA report somehow gave Congress a pass

The Senate Intelligence Committee’s report on the CIA’s use of torture was immensely valuable. But it should have addressed Congress’ own failure to oversee these activities more effectively. By giving lawmakers a pass, Sen. Dianne Feinstein weakened the very process of accountability her report was meant to enhance. Feinstein was brave in resisting pressure to… اقرأ المزيد

America looks back at the nightmare of CIA torture

A CIA medical officer who was assigned to monitor the interrogation of an Al-Qaeda operative named Abu Zubaida sent a message to his superiors on Aug. 4, 2002, the day the CIA first used the technique known as “waterboarding.” He hauntingly titled his cable: “So it begins.” “Longest time with the cloth over his face… اقرأ المزيد

Sectarianism and corruption are still sabotaging Iraq

As the United States advances into its third war in Iraq in a quarter century, it’s important to have a mental checklist to assess whether U.S. strategy there can succeed. Right now, because of Iraq’s continuing corruption and sectarianism, it’s hard to be optimistic. President Obama’s basic strategic framework seems right, in theory. Obama reiterated… اقرأ المزيد

Obama has a chance to reset American leadership

President Barack Obama certainly didn’t go looking for another war in the Middle East. Indeed, he contorted himself almost to the breaking point to avoid one. But as he explained to the country on Wednesday night, he had no choice but to respond with “strength and resolve” to the barbarous ISIS that is ravaging Iraq… اقرأ المزيد

Political bickering keeps U.S. ambassadors at home

Talk about America’s decline is usually wrong. But how else would you describe a country that, in a world of exploding tensions, is unable to confirm dozens of ambassadors to foreign posts because of partisan political squabbling? Even by Washington standards, the Senate Republicans have hit a new low for hypocrisy. They denounce President Barack… اقرأ المزيد