
On Iran, Arabs deeply mistrust Obama

­ What was striking in Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech before the U.S. House of Representatives Tuesday was how the Israeli prime minister exploited the Obama administration’s ambiguities on the broader implications of a nuclear deal with Iran. While Netanyahu’s proposals for how to strengthen the nuclear accord are not likely to be implemented, two issues he… اقرأ المزيد

The region crumbles and Lebanon trembles

As prospects for the emergence of new sectarian and ethnic entities rise in the Middle East to replace illegitimate, authoritarian states, it is necessary to ask what will happen to Lebanon, the only Arab state that has sought to build its political system around a formula for sectarian compromise. Lebanon’s most pressing danger is the… اقرأ المزيد

Why Bashar Assad appears so smug

Bashar Assad’s smugness in a series of recent interviews may be justified. As the Syrian president looks around him, he sees that several regional developments are going his way. Whether this means his regime is saved is another question, but for the first time in four years his barbaric policies appear to be paying off.Assad’s… اقرأ المزيد

ISIS reaches a decisive turning point

The burning alive of a Jordanian pilot reminds us how a few months ago many people, while acknowledging the savagery of ISIS, were also praising the cleverness of its leadership. Today that conclusion appears less persuasive. The strength of groups such as ISIS is that when they are expanding, they generate momentum that draws in… اقرأ المزيد

America’s Syria plan is bound to fail

In his State of the Union address Tuesday, U.S. President Barack Obama mentioned Syria only twice. On both occasions he did so in the context of the American-led battle against ISIS. No mention was made of the cruelties of Syrian President Bashar Assad’s regime, let alone how its crimes have driven extremism in Syria. Despite… اقرأ المزيد

Behind the Russian peace plan for Syria

Earlier this week, Khaled Khoja, the new head of the Syria opposition in exile, rejected a Russian proposal to attend talks in Moscow to end the Syrian conflict. Khoja was right to doubt Russian intentions, but officials in Moscow are probably thinking in very different terms. There has been confusion over precisely what Moscow wants… اقرأ المزيد